SWITA Summit: A Recap
You came, you saw, you conquered! Thanks for making the 2024 SWITA Summit a success. It is because of your attendance, your participation, and your continued engagement throughout the year, that we are all able to work collectively to drive visitors to our region.
In case we didn’t say it enough, our inbox is always open. Please contact us with your ideas, events in your community, the little details more people should know about, and membership profile information.
Now, let’s give you access to the goods! Scroll down for SWITA + State Presentations and all of the breakout sessions!
About SW Idaho Tourism + SWITA
The day kicked off with insights, stats, and analytics focused on travel to Southwest Idaho, alongside a deep dive into SWITA's operations. Here are the highlights from the first half of the summit complete with presenter information and downloads.

Visit Idaho: About the Program
Jeremy Chase
Marketing & Innovation Administrator at Visit Idaho
The Breakout Sessions
For the second part of the day, we all had an opportunity to gather together in small groups, exchanging ideas and insights, while also benefiting from the expertise of various speakers. We delved into discussions about social media strategies (and things to avoid), effective email newsletters (and what to actually do with them), PR techniques (and how to find the people willing to talk about you), and handy tools (that are easy and effective) to enhance our lives and our organizations.
Each topic expert has shared their presentation for you to use as a reference.

Do's and Don'ts of Instagram
Heather Caldera
She is Social & SWITA's Social Media Guru
(contact us for a referral of Heather's social media services)

Building an Email List + What to Do With It
Marissa Lovell
Founder and Editor of From Boise

How to Find an Outlet or Journalist That Fits Your Destination
Julie Chigbrow
Account Director at RedSky PR

Modern Marketing Tools + How to Use Them
Tawsha Box
Director of Client Services at Reynolds+Myers